Registration Fees

  Early Registration Late Registration
  Until 23 September 2024 After 23 September 2024
Registration Options Double Room Per Person Single Room Upgrade Fee Double Room Per Person Single Room Upgrade Fee
Registration + Accommodation (Attendee/Student) EUR 340,00 EUR 100,00 EUR 360,00 EUR 125,00
Registration + Accommodation (IEEE Member) EUR 320,00 EUR 100,00 EUR 350,00 EUR 125,00
Registration + Accommodation (IEEE Member Student)  EUR 300,00 EUR 100,00 EUR 315,00 EUR 100,00
Registration without accommodation (Attendee/Student) EUR 220,00 EUR 250,00
Registration without accommodation (IEEE Member) EUR 200,00 EUR 225,00
Registration without accommodation (IEEE Member Student) EUR 190,00 EUR 210,00
Accompanying Person EUR 220,00 EUR 240,00
IEEE Xplore EUR 22,00 EUR 22,00
  • Maximum 2 papers may be covered by one registration.
  • Accommodations are organized in the Ultra All Inclusive system, with check-in on October 10 and check-out on October 12.
  • 20% VAT will be added to the prices.
  • Participants who want to stay in single rooms must pay the difference for one person + single room in a double room. (Early registration is 440 Euro and late registration is 485 Euro)
  • Participants who want to stay in a double room should also indicate who they will be staying with. The organization company has no obligation to accommodate people who want to stay in a double room. We will try to help people in line with the demands of the company. Participants who cannot find a person to stay together must pay the single room difference