Prof.Dr. Vincenzo Russo

Professore Ordinario di Psicologia dei Consumi e Neuromarketing
Coordinatore Centro di Ricerca di Neuromareting “Behavior and Brain Lab”
Universita IULM

Title: Neuromarketing and Neurogastrophysics: How to Measure Brain activation to Food Stimulations
and the Promotion of Good Food Experiences


The aim of this talk is to describe the effect that stimulation has on the brain and how to create the best conditions for a quality gastronomic experience. In this first part, the main studies on the brain and food can be explored and why contextual elements can make good food taste better. The second part is dedicated to neuroscientific methodologies useful for measuring these processes. We could also discuss one of the most important experiments we have done on the neuroscientific demonstration of the relationship between pasta consumption and happiness…

This is a research in which we used all instruments (EEG and BIO) to compare the reaction to pasta tasting and brain activation determined by happiness-related stimuli such as favourite happy music, a happy thought or a visual stimulus about an engaging sporting event. I attach the link to  some of the 103 articles on the research published on news channels around the world (USA, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Romans etc. etc.). 


Behavior & Brain Lab
Coordinator of Centre for neuropsychophysiological research on decisions, emotions and actions
University IULM, Milan, Italy

Vincenzo Russo, Professor of Consumer Psychology and Neuromarketing and Scientific Director of the Behavior and Brain Lab IULM Neuromarketing Research Center, has been listed among the 250 innovators worldwide on the topic of market and marketing research awarded by ESOMAR – European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, a membership organization for market, social and opinion researchers founded in 1947.
